Occupational therapists, in cooperation with andragogue, motivate and encourage users of residential services to become more or less actively involved in organized activities. The goals and tasks that are set out to be achieved are following: preservation of existing psycho-physical potentials and prolongation of their deterioration, integration into the existing domicile and local environment, fostering of creative potentials and better quality of life in old age. When planning cultural, entertaining and recreational activities, we are guided by the psycho-physical and social characteristics of the users, respecting their wishes and affinities, as well as the habits of leisure time. Beneficiaries attention is directed towards the importance of active time implementation and are helped in find the strengths and talents in them to creatively express themselves and socialize in a clear and positive atmosphere. We approach each user as a distinct individual and through a holistic approach, we try to enable everyone to explore themselves and realize their wishes and interests, through the diversity and diversity of the programs, having fun and devoting themselves, feeling worthy as a human being and useful for the social community, which is our main roadmap for the development of an individual care plan.